Saturday, September 26, 2009

"An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away"

October is National Apple Month! National Apple Month is the only national, generic apple promotion conducted in the United States. Originally founded in 1904 as National Apple Week, it was expanded in 1996 to a three-month promotional window from September through November. National Apple Month's mission is to increase apple industry sales, and to enhance consumer awareness and usage of apples and apple products. Its goal is to increase apple industry sales through a fall retail display contest, food service promotional contest, and to develop strong relations with retail, food service and apple industry members.

National Apple Month has two major components:

Retail components of the program involve fall display contests for retailers and military commissaries, in which retailers can vie for cash prizes by submitting details on store displays that meet the judging criteria. Additionally, an "Apple Merchandiser of the Year" is crowned for outstanding merchandising of apples and apple products throughout the year.

Food service utilizes the media and direct outreach to connect with various segments of the industry, communicating pertinent information regarding menus applications, value of the apple and apple products and current product information. Food service operators are chosen for recognition based on the use of apples and apple products in menus throughout the year.
National Apple Month is promoted to the trade segments by program staff, by state producer organizations, by sponsor sales representatives and by program members. The program communicates with retailers and food service operators via medias.

National Apple Month is a restricted-fund (financially self-supporting) program of the U.S. Apple Association ( The program is funded by sponsorship revenue, and voluntary membership dues collected from industry members. If you are interested in supporting or participating in National Apple Month promotions, please contact National Apple Month Director Kay Swartz Rentzel at

The health benefits of apples and apple products were first recorded as early as medieval times, giving rise to the old English saying "Ate an apfel avore gwain to bed Makes the doctor beg his bread" and its more recent variation, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples' healthy attributes have received considerable renewed interest recently, following the publication of several studies linking apple nutrients to an impressive range of health benefits. Apples and processed apple foods can be an important part of a healthy diet.

Have you had your apple today?

*Contribution by the U. S. Apple Association

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